Peer-Based Recovery Support Services are supports provided by Peers with lived-experience to individuals seeking to initiate or maintain Recovery.
Recovery Check-ups
"How Can We Help You In Your Recovery Today?"
SAMHSA defines Recovery from substance use and/or co occurring disorders as: "A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential." The most successful recovery stories involve empowerment and peer support.
Volunteers at PEER Wellness Center call, text, email or chat with individuals once a week - just to check in and see how their recovery is going. This is a peer-to-peer service and our volunteers, many who are in recovery themselves, provide encouragement and support. Volunteers receive specialized training in order to help provide local recovery supports, including access to local resources, such as 12-step or support meetings, food pantries, sober houses and detox, if needed.
Sometimes just a phone call can make someone feel wanted, cared about and included; dare we say, “loved”. When making calls, the volunteer feels rewarded when they speak with someone. They share in the joys and sorrows, triumphs and setbacks. They have the satisfaction of giving back, of making a difference. It’s a classic win-win scenario.
Supported Access to Community Resources
Finding resources and navigating the system can be a challenge when you don't know where to look.
PEER Wellness Center staff and volunteers can help you find emergency relief, safe/sober housing, treatment and other existing community resources.
We have compiled a list of Community Resources that you can refer to: Community Resources
If you aren't finding what you need, please give us a call 208 991 3681 or email us: supportme@peerwellnesscenter.org and we will be more than happy to try to help.
Community Service/Volunteer Opportunities
Giving back and paying it forward is an important part of our Recovery. PEER Wellness Center participates in community service activities and is a great place to Volunteer.
Benefits of Volunteering with PEER:
Help others
Make a difference
Find purpose
Enjoy a meaningful conversation
Connect with your community
Feel involved
Contribute to a cause that you care about
Use your skills in a productive way
Develop new skills
Meet new people
Explore new areas of interest
Meet good people
Impress your mom
Impress yourself
Expand your horizons
Get out of the house
Make new friends
Strengthen your resume
Feel better about yourself
Peer Recovery Coaching & Support
A pilot study by a well known treatment center on the efficacy of professional Recovery Coaching found that of 100 patients who received coaching only 26 relapsed, and of those who did, 90% got back in recovery.
Peer Recovery Coaches/Support Specialists are individuals with lived experience and specialized training that provide support to individuals seeking to initiate and/or maintain recovery. Recovery Coaches/Support Specialists help you find your strengths and apply them to having a better life. They help you identify your goals, create and implement a plan of action, and advocate for you.
We don’t think of you as powerless or diseased. We think of you as creative, resilient, and resourceful. We know you can do this; we're here to help.
Support for Friends & Family
"Addiction is not a spectator sport. Eventually, the whole family gets to play..."
Addiction is a disease that affects more than the person addicted. It is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point, impacts the stability of the home, the family's unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics.
Living with addiction can put family members under unusual stress. Normal routines are constantly being interrupted by unexpected or even frightening kinds of experiences that are part of living with alcohol and drug use. What is being said often doesn’t match up with what family members sense, feel beneath the surface or see right in front of their eyes. The alcohol or drug user as well as family members may bend, manipulate and deny reality in their attempt to maintain a family order that they experience as gradually slipping away. The entire system becomes absorbed by a problem that is slowly spinning out of control. Little things become big and big things get minimized as pain is denied and slips out sideways.
Without help, active addiction can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful effects that can last a lifetime. If someone you know and love has a substance use and/or co-occurring disorder, support is available.
PEER Wellness Center provides support groups and information to help Friends and Family Members. For information on CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), SMART Friends & Family, and other supports, please visit our Friends & Family Resource Center.
You are not alone. Help is available.
Life Skills in Recovery
Life skills are non-tangible skills that deal with cognitive, social, and emotional competence. Every day life skills, such as effective and healthy relationships and financial management, equip individuals as they work towards a place of wellness in all areas of their life.
Click here for more information and registration for Life Skills Classes.
Contact us for assistance:

“PEER Wellness Center saved my life! I have met amazing people, attended several groups and already feel as though I am part of something that will help save other people’s lives – just like myself!”
Amber Pellins.

“Peer. I walked in, and felt so welcome. They have all the resources one needs to truly be successful in Recovery. What I like most about Peer. Is its real people who genuinely care. They aren't there for a paycheck. They volunteer, because they have a passion to help. It makes all the difference. I have never felt so confident in my recovery. I'm enjoying living again. Thanks Peer.”
Aaron Smith.